Reservation Issue: My own two cents
Well a lot's been said about this.
Now, who is going to get into an IIM? If you have poor English, I don't think so. Do you think a man who has lived in a dhoti all his life in some tribe will make it through the interview without killing a few of the interviewers with laughter? Do you think an under-privileged person has the resources to be a debating champ/ basketball champ / topper all at once? Highly unlikely.
So the OBC guy who is going to be able to get through that interview is one of the elite anyway. Its just that his ancestors were backward, is all. That is why an OBC reservation to a VERY elite institute like the IIMs is meaningless.
However, it is also true that getting an IIM call is a matter of amazingly narrow margins, and landing a seat after the interview is also difficult, Thats why the OBCs are fighting for any gain the can get, and the remaining students are opposing the reservation, quite rightly. OBCs deserve help in getting into the mainstream, but not the OBCs who get through to IIMs and IITs.
I believe that 90% of people with a lot of money will do anything to hang on to it. This is what has led to the Zamindari systems and such, with greed leading to the milking of the already poor farmers, this is what you see in any big company, this is what the US is doing. Everyone uses their power to keep it, which often means suppressing others.
This fight is going to be projected as a have vs have-nots thing, but trust me, its the have's that will win. And your fellow OBCs who count amongst the haves are going to laugh all the while in IIM and IIT, and like any typical graduate from there, merely work for dollars without giving a FUCK about the really needy people. If someone really wanted to help the poor, they are doing it, poor OBC for OBC, Rich for OBC or SC or ST, whatever. The number of OBC IIM graduates has very little to do with the whole OBC's financial status, I suspect.
Another thing I'd like to point out that if a person has been given a reserved seat into an undergraduate institution, then he HAS been brought to par with the rest, just like it was intended, subject to personal hard work and all. The SC/ST get 7 books from the library, as opposed to my 3. So that guy has one book per subject. I have to buy or borrow for the remaining subjects, whatever, which I may or may not do. Who's fault is it if he can't pass the IIM test CAT, or GATE? He had the seat AND the books.
Thats why the idea that this bastard (and similarly an OBC) who is potentially as good as a non-reservation undergrad, needs reservation is preposterous. Its WRONG.
In my opinion the OBCs are now standing like beggars, this applies only to the anti-protesters. They may soon get alms, and should quietly accept the outcome ( i.e. whether the reservation gets implemented or not). If they get it, lucky them, pity for GM. If not, they're no worse off. This anti-protest thing is what converts them to the kind of beggars you don't like to see. The truly useless desperate bums who think the world owes them a living, and refuse to try and make it on their own feet.
I am sure that many jobs and opportunities are decided based on it, in the sense that a person from one community looks out for his own community, which is a kind of reservation, merit be damned. And it happens in all castes. IIM-B, looks out for its kind of upper-class yo people with a proper accent and all that. I've heard that India's leading research centers are filled with Bengali's, which is a tribute to their intelligence, however I know its easier to get in if you are a Bengali.
Tat is the gist of it. I am sorry that people are being given a reason to be divided, that instead of solving the inequalities in primary education, higher education is being tampered with, and that if the reservation comes through, you can't hate the OBCs (I am assuming this was initiated in the mind of Arjun Singh, NOT by OBCs) and its luck for them.